buddy takes you to the movies

A simple and easy way for friends to go to the movies together - virtually! Our device prototype connects to your tv or pc allowing you to watch movies and videos in real time together with family and friends. We humans are social individuals but sometimes life’s circumstances prevent us from being together in the same place - and so - you need a buddy.


buddy - was a rewarding team project. Our team worked together brainstorming on our original concepts and then came Covid19 and a pivot made sense. We realized people would soon start to miss common place experiences like hanging with their friends to watch a movie.

Face-to-face is always best but sometimes circumstances throw us unforeseen challenges.
Our pivot was decided during our first zoom class meeting. We divided up responsibilities, some of us focused on marketing research, others on user research.

We all worked together on the design concepts. With one group member taking responsibility to prototype the IoT device and another creating the app UI interface.
You can see for yourself - the results shine through - we worked pretty good together. And we had fun too.


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